10 Deadly Google Ads Mistakes That Will Ruin Your Account

10 Deadly paid search mistakes that will ruin your account

We often encounter many clients who have tried to do their own paid search. As they start sharing their strategy and wondering why it didn’t work, it usually has to do with one of these 10 common mistakes that most people make when it comes to PPC. If you are not getting the results you […]

Google Ads To Use Smart Bidding For Search Partner Sites

Google Ads To Use Smart Bidding For Search Partner Sites

Google Ads recently switched smart pricing to smart bidding for search partners as long as they have a conversion tracking system implemented. This means that any search sites that partners with Google to show ads will be affected. Google’s main purpose for doing this, is to improve the performance by using more signals to optimize […]

6 Fundamental Principles You MUST Know for Google Ads

If you want to advertise online with Google Ads, then you must know how it works first. Google Ads is the most popular platform for online advertising. Paid ads are spoken with a data language. Google Ads and Google Analytics generate millions of results and hundreds of reports every day for your account. Your performance […]

3 Reasons Why You Should Bid On Your Brand Terms

Why you should bid on your own brand terms

A very frequently asked question that many people entering the Paid Search world have. Should I spend money on my own brand terms? There are so many businesses who are not bidding on their own brand terms. Why? Because they want to go after the most searched for keywords, and then assume the user will […]

From Google AdWords to Google Ads: Everything You Need To Know

Google Adwords to Google Ads Everything you need to know

Google AdWords is leaving its name after 18 amazing years, and launching an optimized service called Google Ads. Announced on July 10 on a LiveStream, Google wants to keep improving small businesses’ online exposure and make it even simpler for them to market themselves. By optimizing their services, the shift is happening mainly on Google’s […]

4 Effective & Creative Ways to Write Remarketing Ads

How to write remarketing ads

What is remarketing? Remarketing is a form of online advertising. It is retargeting the audience who has already visited your website but left before turning into a conversion.  This can be due to many things such as not a good enough offer; they were doing their research before making their final decision, etc. There are […]

Google AdWords Industry Benchmarks 2018

Google AdWords Industry Benchmarks 2018

Did you know that the average small to medium business spends $10,000 on AdWords a month? Bigger companies spend even more than that! Crazy, right? But worth it. Digital Marketing is the new form of marketing. $10,000 a month on AdWords, can be much more cost-effective than a printed poster that some people may see […]

The Most Expensive Keywords in Canada

The Most Expensive Keywords in Canada

I often have people ask me the cost per lead for their business before they start their Google AdWords campaigns, in other words, the most expensive keywords. To calculate the cost per lead, you take your cost divided by your conversions. However, if you don’t have any AdWords data, you need to know the average […]

Google Adwords Benchmarks by Industry 2016

Google Adwords Benchmarks

Google AdWords Benchmarks By Industry 2016 Have you been using Google Adwords to promote your business?  If you have, do you feel confused about tons of data in your reports?  CTR, CPC, CPA . . . how to interpret them can be daunting!  It is especially difficult when you don’t have an industry benchmark to […]