SEO and PPC Marketing: Integrated Digital Marketing Solutions





SEO and PPC Marketing

In 2020, around 380 websites are created every minute and join the World Wide Web! This is proof of the growing potential of online businesses across the globe. Here, we suggest you read on as we offer Integrated Digital Marketing solutions for your brand.

There are millions of websites on the Internet with each possessing unique content, excellent offerings, a user-friendly interface — but somehow they still struggle to attract considerable traffic.

Only a minor portion of your traffic ever converts, and with websites struggling to incur sufficient traffic – their conversion rates are often dismal. This is where the need for a digital marketing plan comes into play — to ensure traffic and increase conversions. 

Businesses often spend top dollars to improve their website’s rank on search engines. Most digital marketing strategies rely on a combination of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Pay Per Click (PPC) ads. The combination is known to work and helps businesses achieve digital marketing success. 

Your Recipe For Success

The goal of SEO and PPC is to generate more traffic and convert more leads for a business. Although the intent is the same many novices consider the two mediums to be worlds apart. Often summed up as Free vs Paid.

They feel that their initiatives will be more fruitful if they concentrate on one medium, either SEO or PPC. The reality is: SEO and pay per click ads complement each other and the results are always impressive. 

An application of different techniques works best to enhance the digital footprint of a business. So as a business owner you may compare search engine marketing (SEM), as SEO vs SEM or Organic vs Paid Search. What should you focus on to get the desired results? Read on as we explain further. 

Organic Vs Paid Search

The main reason why most businesses decide to start with SEO first is it’s free and stable. You can get quality traffic if your webpage answers a user’s query. SEO is meant to raise your website’s ranking on search engines. The higher your position reaches the more clicks you will receive. Google will track many signals to decide how to rank your website, how long the user is on your website, how fast it loads, and if you are able to convert your user, etc. If you stop optimizing your website over time, it can negatively affect your ranking.

SEM works by targeting ads to your audience. If you have a targeted Pay Per Click (PPC) search campaigns for keywords and the user searches for one of your keywords, they will see your ad. 

Now that you know about SEO vs SEM, let’s understand how both can help improve traffic to your website. 

Harmonize SEO and SEM

Your PPC campaign alone does not improve your search engine ranking and your ranking doesn’t affect your ad campaign.

Now let’s explore how SEM and SEO can work in synergy for more traffic, leads and hopefully better revenue for a business.

Dominate Search Engines

Optimize your website with on-page and off-page SEO. It allows a website to rank well and hopefully your business website will end up on the first page. 

And if you also run a PPC campaign for the very same keywords your chances to appear on the first page double up. 

In short, if both are done together for a particular keyword one can influence search results and generate more traffic. Around 75% of users do not go past the first page of search results. 

Never Miss Out On Clicks

It’s a fair assumption that you do not need to concentrate your search engine marketing efforts on keywords that are already positioned among the top results. 

But you still need to invest in a PPC campaign. A recent study reveals that a business can lose up to 80% of its organic traffic if the PPC campaign for a high-ranking keyword is halted. 

Retarget And Remarket

A buyer’s journey online starts with his/her introduction to a product or service — and ends on the call-to-action button where they land on the business page. 

Studies suggest that a typical buyer consumes two to three pieces of content before making a purchase decision. A business can remind potential customers of its offerings by remarketing them. 

With Google Remarketing, one common strategy is you can create ads to convert users who have come to your website from SEO. 

This is why 68% of marketing professionals suggest a reasonable budget for remarketing initiatives, according to a study published by Chango

Test If A Keyword Is A Good Fit

It’s no secret that SEO efforts take a while to bear results. Marketing agencies spend a great deal of time and resources to make a digital marketing campaign work. 

Chances are you may rank for a particular keyword, but it will not be as fruitful as you thought. For instance, you try to rank for a phrase such as “best SEO services in Greater Toronto Area” — and you may manage to bring in new visitors. 

But what happens if these visitors are just there to read your blog posts and have no intention to give you any business? 

Before you begin to write long-form content or get high-authority links backlinks for your website — we suggest you test the keyword through search engine marketing.

It is quite simple: Pick the word you think can easily rank and run a PPC campaign for it. Monitor the results over time, if the results are good or then you should invest in SEO as well. 

Remember, search engine marketing will not burn a hole in your pocket. So test your keywords in advance and get ready to double up! 

Key Takeaways

An integrative approach of SEO and PPC can do wonders for a business and improve traffic to a business website.

Digital marketing agencies often develop custom-made plans to use both SEO and PPC in combination to generate traffic for their clients. Use the pointers given in the piece to develop a digital marketing strategy for your business. 

If you are not sure how to run a PPC campaign or improve search engine ranking, reach out to Noah Digital. We will help your business rank up on search engines and improve conversions on your website — so you can focus on day-to-day business operations that really matter!