What Is Digital Marketing?





What is digital marketing

You probably run into many articles talking about social media management, paid search, SEO, etc. but you’re still wondering exactly what digital marketing is.

When people hear digital marketing, they often only hear the word marketing. Digital marketing is all marketing of services and products using digital technology, mainly the online world.


What is digital marketing


Digital marketing includes EVERYTHING a company can do to market themselves digitally. This includes website design, paid search, search engine optimization, content marketing, social media, landing pages, videos, infographics, backlinks, local citations, mobile apps, and more.

What is Digital Marketing? Here are the 3 main aspects.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

Paid search is getting traffic to your website by investing money every time a user clicks on your ad. You are paying per click. Google has its advertising platform called Google Ads. This platform allows you to set ads and target specific audiences you wish to show your ads to. It allows you to place your ads on Google’s search engine results so that when someone searches for your products or services, your ad will show up bringing targeted traffic to your website.

Paid search also includes Facebook ads, LinkedIn, Bing, Baidu, and more! It is not limited to Google.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

It is the optimizing your website so that it ranks higher when people search online. Search engines are the places people search, like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. Optimization is the process of fixing loopholes or aspects of your website that are not working. There is the technical part of SEO and the creative part. All in all, SEO touches upon your website, your blogs, your infographics, videos, and more.


What is digital marketing SEO
Photo By Social Media Today


Traffic that comes to your website from SEO is referred to as organic traffic. This means that you are not paying for these visits, this traffic found you from Google, by searching your business/products/services in search engines.


Social Media

Social media is relatively new to many people. Back to just a couple of years ago most, businesses were not involved with social media, and it was used mainly for personal purposes. As social media rose with popularity businesses started to create business accounts, and it has proven to be a very useful way of marketing. Some may say these social media platforms are the new Google because there are so many users actively searching for services and products daily. Here are the most popular platforms today:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter
  • Pinterest
  • Google+
  • YouTube
  • SnapChat
  • Yumblr
What is digital marketing social media
Image By Social Media Today



What are the benefits of digital marketing?



You can measure the ROI of all your digital marketing efforts! Simple and easy. You can collect data straight from your website and your audience. With this valuable data, you can measure all marketing activities. If the key metrics are below the average industry benchmark, then you can pinpoint exactly what the issue is to develop a strategic plan and improve your results. As you may know, in traditional marketing you can put an ad on a newspaper, but you will never know exactly how many people it reached, how many people read it, how long they spent reading it, and if they ever eventually turned into a sale. With digital marketing, there is no wondering. You know exactly how your customers behave and what issues need to be fixed.


Brand Awareness

It is the most efficient way of increasing brand awareness online. The different channels allow you to tap into different audiences instantly. The online world lets people get to know your business. Without having a physical store, it’s very hard to become visible to your audience. By being present on your website, on social media, and with ads, your business is more visible.


What is digital marketing brand awareness


Attribution Modeling

With the ability to measure and follow users’ path online you are also able to trace all of your sales. You can discover trends or common behaviors that can help you optimize for higher conversions.


Essentially, digital marketing is all marketing activities done online. Anything that you can do to promote your business online is considered digital marketing. It is extremely beneficial for every company, in fact, nowadays it is essential for every business.

As a small business owner, you may be scared to take that leap of faith, and see the potential that the online world has to offer for your business. But once you do, you will be amazed by the results.


Feeling confused?

Don’t worry, that’s normal. Digital marketing is a complicated concept. It has many different areas, and we are always learning new things with it, but that’s what’s so great about it!


Noah Digital Marketing