How Sustainable Marketing Can Transform Your Business





sustainable marketing

For years now, businesses have been discussing sustainability in many different ways. It’s a topic of influence because people want to find ways to do things the most efficient way possible. An efficiency that will last and maintain its level for a long time. It’s ultimately the step to higher ROI (return on investment), and this is what funders are striving for: sustainability.

“The definition of sustainability is being able to maintain a certain level of success, or goals.” Essentially, a business is sustainable when it can have a minimal negative impact over long periods of time.

What do you mean sustainable marketing? How digital marketing transforms a business:
  1. Marketing automation
  2. Digital content creation
  3. Constant optimization practices

Sustainable marketing is focused on sales. That’s the bottom line.

Every business is sales-driven. However, a wise business makes its decision on a long-term basis. Many businesses start off great and are able to make lots of revenue, but after a short amount of time, they fall and fail. Why? Because they did not set up their business at a sustainable level. They focused on getting the money right then and there. Unsustainable practices often lead to immediate results. So, you may be asking how this relates to digital marketing whatsoever? Let me tell you, it has everything to do with digital marketing.

Digital marketing is skyrocketing because of its proven sustainability.

You may be wondering, well how can a business grow with no immediate sales?

How can a business generate a reputation and sales by leveraging the power of sustainability?

Sustainability is all about being able to keep up with what works today and what’s going to work tomorrow. Digital marketing is the new way of marketing. By simply increasing the online budget and lowering it for traditional, unsustainable ways of marketing, you are generating long-term, sustainable marketing assets.

Digital Marketing: Sustainability for Businesses

1. Marketing Automation

With the rise of technology and online tactics, manual work is decreasing and efficiency levels are increasing. Marketing automation is a system of smart practices designed with technology to finish repetitive tasks automatically. Processes have been automated.

Once it is set up properly, and testing is done, marketing automation becomes a long-term asset with a high ROI. The initial investment may seem damaging for short-term, but once it starts doing the manual work at a rapid speed, the return is incomparable. This is the one way to make sure that your acquisition strategy is a sustainable, long-term one. Without automation systems set in place to ensure accuracy and efficiency for your business, your return may last for a short amount of time.


Sustainable marketing
Picture by Adviso

2. Content

Creating interesting content allows you to stand out from others in your industry. A way that digital marketing allows you to target your audience, is all the data available to you. Traditional marketing does not give you this kind of data.

Digital marketing shows you where your conversions are coming from, and what your audience is interested in. A way to understand your users and what they want to see exactly. This way, truly capturing their attention with your valuable content online is the key to their constant interaction and engagement with your brand.

Content may not give you short-term results, but the more content, the higher the keyword density, and the higher the keyword quantity. This means that over time,  you will see your content truly benefit your business in a powerful way.

Sustainable marketing
Picture by Placester

Example of unsustainable marketing: Mail
You received your mail, and quickly glanced at a flyer that showcased a table you liked but you were so busy that you decided to throw it out. At the moment it wasn’t important enough and you considered it junk mail. Now, that you’ve winded down, you’ve started thinking of that table. But you cannot remember the store or the price. What do you do next with no information? Nothing, you simply forget about it and let it go. This is unsustainable marketing.

Example of sustainable marketing: Email
You received an email, quickly glanced at it and saw a table that you liked, but you were so busy that you decided to exit out because at the moment it wasn’t important enough and you considered it junk email. Now, that you’ve winded down, you’ve started thinking of that table. But you cannot remember the store or the price (Don’t you hate when that happens!?). What do you next? You search your emails and get all the information you need. You might’ve even deleted it while you were busy, but that’s no problem. Because you can go to your trash folder and recover it. Online content will always be there! So then, you might visit their website and shop around for more. This is sustainable marketing.

3. Optimization

Tying it back to point number 2, digital marketing allows you to optimize your conversion rate, in a way traditional marketing does not. Because of its automation and online databases, digital marketing gives you data that increases your sales. With the ability to test at a lower budget, and see how different demographics react to your business, you are able to pinpoint the exact people and channels you wish to target. Take advantage of this, and discover how continuous optimization can increase your conversions.

Sustainable marketing
Picture by Unbounce
Noah Digital: Transforming your business by leveraging the power of sustainable digital marketing.

What strategy do you have for your company? Think long-term.

Data proves that digital marketing is the sustainable way of marketing for businesses nowadays. With its automated systems, connections with consumers through content, and ability to optimize for higher conversions, it is a constant ladder of improvement.