How To Find Your Best Customers Online






“How to find your best customers online” is the question for many business owners.  The more competitive your industry gets, the harder it gets to attract and retain those customers that you want to target specifically. By identifying your best customers, and unifying your customer data you can develop a customer lifetime value model. This is a priceless asset to your company that will generate endless success in the long term. Without knowing who, why and where your ideal customers are it is hard to laser target them and pinpoint their experiences with your business. The main goal of marketing is to reach those people who NEED your product/service and present yourself to them. Instead of wasting dollars on the wrong audiences, solidify your best customers and analyze their data.  Here are three valuable tips on how to find your best customers online according to Google.

1. Ditch the silos

Identify your best customers, those who have given your business lifetime value. Pick the main characteristics that make you want to label them as your ‘best customer’ that you wish every customer in the future could have. Identify how you can label each customer based on these characteristics. Perhaps one of the main characteristics is that they like to shop around for longer than the average, this means that your product/service requires more research than most others, and by learning this, you can adjust and optimize your strategy to better target those people (remarking ads, promotions that create urgency, etc.) You should be collecting data from all different channels. Anything you do to promote your business, take the results into consideration, for example, marketing campaigns, blogs, social media, Google Ads, your website traffic, local SEO, your Google My Business insights, everything.

At Electronic Arts Inc., marketing, publishing, and analytics all report to the same leader and work from a single source of truth: customer insights- ThinkWithGoogle Insights

2. Measure across the full customer journey

You need to measure every action your ideal customer makes, to fully analyze their behaviour and understand how we can better optimize the strategy to continue to attract them. Journeys nowadays are longer and more complex. Without understanding how each action ties into the next, then it is hard to understand exactly who your ideal customer is and what they are looking for. Journeys have several phases, and with each phase, you can increase your brand awareness. Choose this data to guide your strategy in marketing to your best customers.

With a means of attributing success to specific marketing touchpoints, your marketing will be more effective. – ThinkWithGoogle Insights


3. Create dynamic experiences

By learning more about your best customers, you may notice that though they are similar in many characteristics, there will be different ways to best market to different groups of them. The best way to move on with this information is by closely studying the data collected and segment them into different groups in order to optimize your strategy for each segment. This way you will modify the experience for each segment and emphasize your optimization on the phase of the experience that each segment values more. By doing this you are really digging into your data, and promoting to your best customers, the very best you can. Don’t underestimate the power of this.


You got it!

Marketing is all about reaching the right people at the right time with the right content. How to find your best customers online actually comes around to your goals, your target audience, and your strategy. For business owners who have never done any digital marketing before, PPC is the fastest way to reach people and gain insights. Like everything else, digital marketing is not magic. We do not magically appear with all the answers and insights, but with data collected with a comprehensive cross-channel tracking system, digital marketing can have its many moments of magic. With more technology than ever, we are able to only target the people who we know are interested in our products, and these are the best customers for your business. Therefore, make sure you are analyzing all of your data, and if you do not have data yet, then you need to get started with the conversion tracking system, so your business can start collecting valuable data from users, to identify those who turn into conversions. Without a conversion tracking system, you cannot see their behaviour, any patterns and whether or not they exited your website and bought something.

The beauty of digital marketing is exactly this. Unlike traditional marketing, digital marketing allows you to see where your strategy falls shorts and allows you to get to know your best customers even better.


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