5 Ways To Increase Your Instagram Followers

ways to increase instagram followers

Have you been posting on Instagram without seeing great results on your followers count? I know, it can be very discouraging when you aren’t growing relevant followers for your Instagram account after so much work. Today I will be writing all about how to increase your Instagram followers. Let’s start with the basics. Growing your Instagram account […]

How To Get Started On Your Social Media Strategy

How To Get Started On Your Social Media Strategy

If you’re planning your 2019 strategy for your business, then social media is an absolute MUST. There is no way of avoiding social media anymore, a business that wants to see online success has to have an active social media presence with a defined goal and an effective strategy. Don’t overthink it. Social media is […]

10 Common Social Media Marketing Mistakes You Should Avoid

There are about 2.77 billion users on social media. With social media marketing becoming more popular, most businesses are starting to join the social media work to promote their products/services. Social Media is a great channel for businesses to display their products/services on a more personal and interactive level with their audiences. They can also gain […]

How To Use Instagram Story Highlights For Your Brand

How To Use Instagram Story Highlights For Your Brand

Do you ever post an Instagram story that you’re super proud of? Perhaps you designed it yourself, and it took hours to create. Maybe it’s a fantastic offer that you want people to take advantage of. Whatever the case may be it’s very discouraging when the story goes away just after 24 hours of being […]

5 Pinterest Tips For Business Owners

5 Pinterest Tips for business users

Though Pinterest is not as popular as other social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn, studies show that it still is extremely beneficial for a business. Business owners should take into account the power of Pinterest. It allows you to directly link to your website on your posts (unlike other platforms, like Instagram), […]

2018 Guide For Social Media Image Sizes (Instagram, Facebook, etc.)

Guide for social media image sizes

For content marketers sometimes trying to figure out if one picture fits all social media platforms can be very time-consuming. The best part? Is that the sizes are continually changing! Constantly posting on social media is vital for your brand awareness. Rich media content will transform your business from a brand name to a business […]

The Top Social Media Advertising Platforms You Should Know

The top social media advertising platforms

Statistics show that in 2017, the global social media advertising market value was about 43.7 billion US dollars, accounting for 18% of the total digital marketing market value. North America is by far the world’s largest social media advertising market with a production value of approximately $21 billion. With the launch of new features, 2018 […]

5 Ways To Increase Your Social Media Followers: How Influencers Are Doing It

How to increase your Instagram followers

Let’s think about influencers. Influencers are people who have thousands of followers on social media. Nowadays they are a reliable marketing tool for any business. With reviews being so powerful, their thousands of followers truly trust these influencers and take their recommendations seriously. Why are these people influencers? What are they doing that made thousands […]

When is the Best Time to Post on Instagram For the Most Engagement?

Best times to post on instagram

A very common question that many want to know to get the highest engagement as possible on their posts. Instagram is all about posting pictures. That’s it. Getting engagement can be hard. You need yours to stand out, at the right time. In 2017, Instagram skyrocketed to over 700 million users. That’s a lot of […]