How Digital is Transforming Retail & Tips to Maximize In-Store Sales

how digital is transforming retail

Connected devices in 2018: 8 billion Connected devices in 2020: 20 billion The online world is dramatically changing the way we do everything. Many may argue that digital connection is already at its peak, but they’re wrong. It’s still increasing, and there are still people who are not yet connected online. The world is transforming, […]

How Sustainable Marketing Can Transform Your Business

sustainable marketing

For years now, businesses have been discussing sustainability in many different ways. It’s a topic of influence because people want to find ways to do things the most efficient way possible. An efficiency that will last and maintain its level for a long time. It’s ultimately the step to higher ROI (return on investment), and […]

Traditional Marketing vs. Digital Marketing

traditional marketing vs digital marketing

It is easy to get comfortable and stop learning new approaches to marketing. Traditional marketing has been around for decades, and for many of us, it is hard to see outside of the box sometimes. Nowadays everything is instant. Things are available when you need them. People want everything to be quick and easy. Having […]

5 Digital Marketing Trends in 2018 To Keep In Mind

Digital Marketing Trends 2018

It’s 2018, and digital marketing is only increasing. The most successful businesses do most of their marketing online because they understand the magnitude of the number of people surfing the web every day. If you are thinking about your marketing strategy for the new year, here are some digital marketing trends in 2018 that you […]

3 Costly Yet Common Digital Marketing Mistakes

Digital marketing mistakes

Are you wasting your marketing dollars and not getting the results you want? If so, you may be asking yourself, what am I doing wrong? I know. Digital marketing is a new world for many people, and it’s constantly changing. There’s always something new, but that’s what is so amazing about it! The number one digital […]