How To Find Your Best Customers Online

“How to find your best customers online” is the question for many business owners.  The more competitive your industry gets, the harder it gets to attract and retain those customers that you want to target specifically. By identifying your best customers, and unifying your customer data you can develop a customer lifetime value model. This […]

5 Ways To Increase Your Instagram Followers

ways to increase instagram followers

Have you been posting on Instagram without seeing great results on your followers count? I know, it can be very discouraging when you aren’t growing relevant followers for your Instagram account after so much work. Today I will be writing all about how to increase your Instagram followers. Let’s start with the basics. Growing your Instagram account […]

5 Digital Marketing Trends You Must Know for 2019

Can you believe that we’re less than a month away from 2019?! Crazy! I remember writing the digital marketing 2018 trends article as if it were yesterday! Before we get into them, you need to remember 3 words: CURIOUS, DEMANDING and IMPATIENT. Google released many studies and live streams talking all about how users nowadays are curious, […]

Google Concludes That Search Intent Is Redefining the Marketing Funnel

In a 6-month study, Google has found that intent has redefined the marketing funnel, for all industries. As businesses, we’ve spent hours studying the marketing funnel. It is the linear path that gives us insights into how our clients behave and what steps they take towards making a purchase. With the rise of digital marketing, […]

5 Red Flags To Watch Out For When Choosing A Digital Marketing Agency

Whether you’ve just started your research on digital marketing agencies, or you’ve already worked with one, you know that this decision can be quite hard to make. It’s difficult to find an agency that is transparent and understands your business’ needs and budget. Since they are marketing your business online, you may feel even more […]

5 Critical Reasons To Hire A Digital Marketing Agency

Hire Digital Marketing Agency

Investing online or digital marketing is the #1 thing business owners can do to grow their businesses. However, even though you decided to use digital marketing to grow, You may feel at a loss as to where to get started while there are dozens of marketing solutions and strategies to select from. At the same […]

Google Ads To Use Smart Bidding For Search Partner Sites

Google Ads To Use Smart Bidding For Search Partner Sites

Google Ads recently switched smart pricing to smart bidding for search partners as long as they have a conversion tracking system implemented. This means that any search sites that partners with Google to show ads will be affected. Google’s main purpose for doing this, is to improve the performance by using more signals to optimize […]

10 Ways To Increase Website Traffic Fast

The main purpose of digital marketing is to drive relevant traffic to a website that converts into leads and sales. Almost every business owner wants to make more sales. The way to sales online is by driving more traffic to the website. There are endless ways to promote a website and increase traffic, but here […]

What Is Digital Marketing?

What is digital marketing

You probably run into many articles talking about social media management, paid search, SEO, etc. but you’re still wondering exactly what digital marketing is. When people hear digital marketing, they often only hear the word marketing. Digital marketing is all marketing of services and products using digital technology, mainly the online world.

The Benefits of Becoming a Sustainable Business

If you have been playing around with the idea of becoming a sustainable business, studies prove that being sustainable has great benefits for businesses. Of course, the main goal here is to create a better community and care about our future. I know it takes a lot of effort and hard work to become sustainable, […]