8 Most Successful Google Video Marketing Campaigns

As an entrepreneur, do you feel the same “publish or perish” pressure in the business world? It can be understandable that you’d want more exposure for your brand and products/services. In this endeavor, you might be tempted to spend a fortune to run TV commercials as some of your competitors do. But, before you head […]

Interesting Video Marketing Statistics for 2019

We all LOVE to watch videos.  Undoubtedly, video is a better form of content than all the other available options. It is no wonder why it has become so popular these days than ever before.  The increase in the use of social media has also led to a rise in the consumption of video content.  In […]

10 Copywriting Tips To Attract More Users

Copywriting can be time-consuming. Those few words take a lot of creativity and effort but can transform your business.  Something many do not realize is that online selling is quite different than traditional marketing. We are no longer face-to-face, able to deliver a quick and impactful presentation of a service or product when we meet […]

5 Ways To Increase Your Instagram Followers

ways to increase instagram followers

Have you been posting on Instagram without seeing great results on your followers count? I know, it can be very discouraging when you aren’t growing relevant followers for your Instagram account after so much work. Today I will be writing all about how to increase your Instagram followers. Let’s start with the basics. Growing your Instagram account […]

How To Get Started On Your Social Media Strategy

How To Get Started On Your Social Media Strategy

If you’re planning your 2019 strategy for your business, then social media is an absolute MUST. There is no way of avoiding social media anymore, a business that wants to see online success has to have an active social media presence with a defined goal and an effective strategy. Don’t overthink it. Social media is […]

10 Common Social Media Marketing Mistakes You Should Avoid

There are about 2.77 billion users on social media. With social media marketing becoming more popular, most businesses are starting to join the social media work to promote their products/services. Social Media is a great channel for businesses to display their products/services on a more personal and interactive level with their audiences. They can also gain […]

How To Use Instagram Story Highlights For Your Brand

How To Use Instagram Story Highlights For Your Brand

Do you ever post an Instagram story that you’re super proud of? Perhaps you designed it yourself, and it took hours to create. Maybe it’s a fantastic offer that you want people to take advantage of. Whatever the case may be it’s very discouraging when the story goes away just after 24 hours of being […]

5 Copywriting Mistakes To Avoid

Copywriting is no easy task, but it’s a task that once you master, you can use for almost everything in life. No matter what industry you’re in, copywriting is one of the most useful skills to have. It takes practice and perfecting it doesn’t just happen overnight. As you start to practice you may find […]

5 Ways to Find Good Content Fast

If you’ve just started your business blog, or you’re a content writer, you know it’s hard to come up with new topics to write continuously. Sometimes the idea won’t stop jumping out of your mind, and sometimes your ideas are completely offline. Trying to keep up with new trends and updates can be very difficult, […]