How To Get Rid Of Spam Leads





How To Get Rid Of Spam Leads

“How to get rid of spam leads” is a critical concern for businesses online. Spam leads can be both a nuisance and costly, as they not only waste time but can also lead to significant expenses if one inadvertently pays for them. Understanding and implementing strategies on how to stop spam leads can greatly benefit organizations by enhancing the quality of their lead-generation processes and reducing unnecessary expenditures.

If your website is encountering a significant number of spam leads, you should determine their source. Are these unwelcome leads originating from organic traffic, or are they being funnelled through your Google Ads campaigns? Identifying the source is the first step toward implementing an effective solution. Here are two solutions depending on where your spam leads are coming from:

Google reCAPTCHA

If your spam leads are coming from organic search, the quickest and easiest way to stop it is to add Google reCAPTCHA. Google’s reCAPTCHA has been around for over a decade, and it is a free service that protects your site from spam and abuse. It uses advanced risk analysis techniques to tell humans and bots apart. Simply add Google’s reCAPTCHA to your lead gen forms, and let Google handle the rest!

Google reCAPTCHA

IP Address Blocking

The second solution is if you’ve noticed spam leads coming from Google Ad campaigns. While Google works hard to keep spam out, it doesn’t always work. The easiest thing to do is to block the IP addresses the spam is coming from. You can do it in 6 easy steps.

  1. Sign in to your Google Ads account.
  2. In the page menu on the left, click Settings.
  3. Select the campaign you’d like to exclude IP addresses from. 
  4. Click to expand the “IP exclusions” section. (Click Additional Settings if you can’t see the “IP exclusions” section.)
  5. Enter the IP addresses you want to exclude from seeing your ads. 
  6. Click Save. 

IP Address Blocking

This proactive approach not only aids in reducing Google ads spam leads but also enhances the overall performance of your PPC management campaigns by ensuring that your ads are seen by your intended audience, thereby improving the quality of your leads and maximizing your advertising spend efficiency.


To get rid of spam leads, identify their source—organic or Google Ads. Use Google reCAPTCHA for organic spam and block specific IP addresses for Google Ads spam. These measures improve lead quality and operational efficiency.

If you are having trouble figuring out where your spam leads are coming from. Contact us for a free consultation.