7 Ways ChatGPT Can Be Used to Improve SEO Strategies





chatgpt for seo

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has an ever-evolving landscape that requires marketers to be on their toes and implement up-to-date tactics. With the constant changes in search engine algorithms, staying ahead of the curve requires SEOs to innovate and adapt. 

One such innovation is the rapid increase in the popularity of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems. 

While everyone is learning the endless possibilities of AI in digital marketing, an innovation that holds immense potential to improve SEO strategies is the use of ChatGPT. 

So, how can you use ChatGPT for SEO? 

Read further for first-hand experience on how to use ChatGPT to improve your SEO efforts. 

Table Of Contents

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT (Generative Pretrained Transformer) is an AI chatbot that can simulate real human conversations. It can help you search the internet, develop ideas, produce code, and a lot more. This product combines the user experience of an advanced chatbot with the powerful capabilities of AI.

In a nutshell, this is a generative language model that is optimized for conversational chat.
Of course, we can always ask ChatGPT what it is: 

Screenshot from ChatGPT, June 2023

How To Use ChatGPT for SEO?

Ever since its release in November 2022, there has been a lot of buzz surrounding ChatGPT and how incredible the tool is. 

Digital marketers are always looking for helpful tools that can enable them to stay ahead of the highly competitive environment. 

After trying out ChatGPT in numerous ways, the AI tool stood out to be quite helpful to digital marketers and website owners looking to improve their SEO strategies. 

Here are some of the top ways using ChatGPT for SEO can be beneficial: 

1. Creating Content

Let’s start with the elephant in the room. Can you use ChatGPT to create SEO content? 

Well, the answer is, it depends! 

Creating content can be a hassle, especially if you lack the right skills or resources. So, yes, ChatGPT can create understandable content for your website, depending on the prompts. 

According to Google, it can ‘reward high-quality content, however, it is produced.’ This means that you can use ChatGPT for your website content if you do not intend to manipulate search rankings; otherwise, it will be marked as spam.

Google focuses more on E-E-A-T (Expertise, Experience, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness). This means that for your content to rank on the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPS), you must show that you deeply understand the topic and can provide value to your readers through informative, engaging, and up-to-date information. 

Unfortunately, ChatGPT does not have real-time data access as it was trained with a data set with a knowledge cutoff of 2021. Using ChatGPT for SEO content means sacrificing certain parts of the E-E-A-T, especially when you have to provide up-to-date value to your readers. 

Moreover, Google encourages publishers to focus on original content if they want it to rank higher on the SERPs. Unfortunately, ChatGPT pulls data from existing content — even from your competitors — meaning there is no originality. 

We asked ChatGPT if it produces original content, and here’s what it had to say:

Screenshot from ChatGPT, June 2023

From the above response, it is clear that the human touch is still vital to the success of your content SEO efforts. 

However, using ChatGPT as a starting point can be significantly beneficial as it offers a way to find good content fast. Besides being able to generate content, this AI tool is also useful in identifying and correcting Grammar and spelling errors, which may hurt your content’s user experience. 

Moreover, the tool can rearrange an article. It can also summarize, add bullet points, and suggest subheadings to improve the readability of your content. 

2. Keyword Research and Analysis

We have identified that while ChatGPT can easily write paraphrased content picked from existing materials, it may not be the best when curating content to rank on the SERPs. 

However, it can significantly boost your content SEO efforts through comprehensive keyword research and analysis, which can be used as a starting point and is a great tool for giving new ideas. 

This tool can analyze the SERPs to identify the best keywords to target. It can also optimize web content for specific keywords and also be helpful for giving LSI keyword ideas, which are words semantically related to your main keywords. 

One of the best features we found is the tool’s ability to categorize the keywords. It can recommend keywords that can benefit your SEO efforts while also stating how you can use them. 

For instance, it can show you what primary keywords to target, location-specific keywords to use, and more. 

Here’s an example:

Screenshot from ChatGPT, June 2023

Additionally, it can provide some LSI keyword ideas related to your main keyword. Here is an example: 

Screenshot from ChatGPT, June 2023

3. Generating Good SEO Titles and Meta Descriptions

One of the most important things in SEO is getting people to click on your content. This means having clickable SEO titles and meta descriptions is crucial to the success of your content strategy, and is among the factors to drive organic traffic to your website

The same case applies to your meta descriptions. ChatGPT can easily create meta description samples for your articles or website pages as long as you can input the correct and right prompts.

Here is a quick example of how to give proper prompts to get good SEO title recommendations from ChatGPT:

Screenshot from ChatGPT, June 2023

4. Provide a List of Potential Topics For Your Content Strategy

Part of every SEO content strategy involves topic creation, which is time-consuming. Besides, the most reliable tools that can help you develop potential topics for your content strategy are quite expensive. 

Fortunately, ChatGPT can help you develop good topics that your readers may find valuable. 

Here’s an example of how ChatGPT can help you come up with good topics for your website: 

Screenshot from ChatGPT, June 2023

While providing some blog topic ideas in your initial research, ChatGPT can be helpful when looking for some more specific article titles for a given topic. Here is an example:

Screenshot from ChatGPT, June 2023

Moreover, you can also use the tool to help you create topic clusters, which can be highly beneficial to your content strategy. 
Here’s a snippet on how to use ChatGPT to get potential topic clusters for a more advanced content strategy: 

Screenshot from ChatGPT, June 2023

Link building is an important element that can significantly boost your overall SEO efforts. Besides improving your page authority, it also boosts your SERP rankings. 

While there are numerous tools that can help you in your backlink efforts, we tried ChatGPT and were amazed by its capabilities. 

Although this AI tool can help you curate proper strategies and even place structures to ensure your backlink outreach efforts succeed, it even goes ahead to curate email templates you can use. 

As long as you input the right prompt, ChatGPT will curate different types of compelling messages that you can send to other publishers as you seek a partnership.

Screenshot from ChatGPT, June 2023

6. Generate Schema Code

Schema Markup helps search engines to understand a web page. Having Schema Markup on your site facilitates rich snippets in organic results, which is one of the top digital marketing trends of the year.

While there are many Schema generators to consider, the ChatGPT app is among the best. This is mainly because the AI tool requires less complex instructions and can save you time. 

All you have to do is to copy-paste your content and ask for a specific Schema code. Moreover, you can also simply copy-paste your content and ask the tool to suggest Schema types. 

ChatGPT can suggest different Schema Markup types, as well as provide the Schema codes for different types of data, including: 

  • FAQs
  • Product pages
  • Local Businesses
  • Job Listings, and more. 

Screenshot from ChatGPT, June 2023

7. Create and Manage Analytics Reports

Besides content, SEO marketing efforts are highly dependent on analytics. It is crucial to closely monitor and measure the performance of your SEO efforts to plan better and pinpoint opportunities you can take advantage of. There are numerous Google Analytics metrics worth checking constantly to keep improving your website’s performance. 

ChatGPT can draw data subsets from different SEO reports and summarize the findings. The tool can even provide spreadsheet formulas to create a good report. 

Screenshot from ChatGPT, June 2023

Future Prospects of ChatGPT in SEO

In the fast-paced and unpredictable world of SEO, staying ahead requires embracing new and innovative approaches. ChatGPT presents an incredible opportunity to help us revolutionize SEO at a fraction of the cost we spend on SEO efforts.

But is ChatGPT good for SEO? ChatGPT is like having an additional employee to brainstorm with within your SEO department. The biggest advantage this ‘additional employee’ has is instant access to all the content on the internet, which you can find useful for content creation, keyword research, generating Schema Markups, and more.

On the other hand, it would be prudent to note that while ChatGPT is an extremely impressive tool for SEO, it is important to operate it cautiously. It needs solid SEO knowledge and experience to use it wisely for your advantage, not against you.

For now, the tool draws data from no later than 2021, meaning it might not help you to stay up-to-date on the latest SEO trends and information that can help you to create original content. Moreover, this AI chatbot is not 100% accurate and unbiased. Its output also heavily depends on your input.

However, it is safe to assume that a newer version of this chatbot may remedy these issues and probably open the door for SEOs to explore it further. 
SEO is a highly competitive field, even with tools like ChatGPT, it is advisable to seek experienced SEO professionals who provide SEO services that can help you achieve quality results much faster and Noah Digital is here to help.

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