How to Leverage the Benefits of Data Analytics and Big Data in the Global Market


Dr. Bin Tang



Updated On

March 15, 2024

How to Leverage the Benefits of Data Analytics and Big Data in the Global Market
How to Leverage the Benefits of Data Analytics and Big Data in the Global Market

In today’s global market, data is key to success. With each person generating about 1.7 megabytes of data every second, the importance of big data and data analytics cannot be overstated. These technologies offer businesses crucial insights that help them make informed decisions, understand market trends, improve operational efficiency, personalize customer experiences, and drive innovation and growth.

Leveraging the benefits of data analytics is essential for businesses looking to maintain a competitive edge in the global marketplace. It enables companies to act on evidence-based insights, leading to smarter decisions and better outcomes. On the other hand, ignoring data analytics can put businesses at risk. They might miss out on growth opportunities, make inefficient decisions, lose their competitive edge, and face customer dissatisfaction.

What Is Big Data and Data Analytics?

Big data analytics involves analyzing vast amounts of data to find trends, patterns, and other insights that help businesses make better decisions. Understanding these benefits of big data analytics is crucial for business owners worldwide, offering insights into creating a digital marketing strategy for the global market.

Data analytics tools help businesses sort through data quickly and efficiently to find valuable information. This can include anything from spotting market movements to identifying customer preferences, which can significantly improve decision-making processes. Essentially, it’s like having a powerful tool that helps highlight what’s working well and what can be improved in your business operations.

Based on the latest data, the worldwide market for Big Data and Analytics is estimated to have a value of around $274 billion.

Big Data and Analytics have a value of around $274 billion

Source: explodingtopics

One of the key advantages of data analytics is its role in advanced analysis. This includes using sophisticated methods to forecast future events, analyze possible outcomes of different decisions, and delve deep into data for insights. These techniques are about handling data and making it work for your business, offering a competitive edge in your industry. Furthermore, a digital marketing audit for global markets can give businesses insights into their current strategies and how they can be improved.

Take the healthcare sector as an example. It uses big data analytics to manage millions of records, from patient details to clinical results. This helps make accurate medical decisions, predict health trends, and improve patient care. Similarly, businesses across various sectors can leverage data analytics for enhanced decision-making, efficient operation, predictive insights, and more, despite the challenges of managing diverse and complex data.

Big data analytics is crucial as it enables businesses to utilize their information to pinpoint areas for enhancement and optimization. This practice boosts efficiency across various sectors, leading to smarter operations, increased profits, and happier customers. It assists firms in cutting costs and creating products and services that are more focused on the customer’s needs. To stay informed on these strategies, understanding digital marketing trends is essential.

About one out of every four business leaders say their Big Data initiatives are profitable.

Big Data initiatives are profitable.

Source: explodingtopics

Furthermore, data analytics offers insights that help improve societal functioning. In the healthcare sector, big data analytics is essential for managing and analyzing individual health records and assessing public health outcomes worldwide. It guides health departments in every country on public and population health strategies and develops plans to address future health challenges affecting society.

Ways SMEs Can Take Advantage of Their Data in International Markets

To unlock the benefits of data analytics in international markets, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can start by diving deep into their treasure trove of information. “Their data” encompasses customer interactions, sales figures, website visits, and social media engagement. Here are a few ways to do so:

Identifying and Repairing Conversion Funnel Leaks to Enhance Website Conversion Rates

Addressing conversion leaks within a website requires a data-driven approach, leveraging analytics to pinpoint and rectify inefficiencies that hinder customer conversions. These leaks, often resulting from inadequate design, confusing navigation, or problematic checkout processes, can significantly impede business success despite considerable investment. Improving website design and user experience is crucial, making website design & development services invaluable.

The research underscores the urgency of resolving these issues, indicating the substantial impact of a 1% increase in conversion rates on annual revenue and the direct correlation between meticulous data analysis and financial performance.

The persistent challenge of high shopping cart abandonment rates exemplifies the potential for revenue optimization through data analysis. Businesses can identify friction points within their digital environments by thoroughly examining user behaviour and conversion pathways. This analytical process enables the strategic enhancement of the conversion funnel, directly addressing the root causes of conversion inefficiencies.

A data-centric approach to identifying and sealing conversion leaks significantly empowers businesses to improve the conversion rate. Through detailed data analysis, organizations can systematically uncover and address the critical barriers to customer conversion, optimizing the effectiveness of digital marketing strategies for your business and securing a more profitable and efficient operational model.

To identify conversion leaks, you can use search engine optimization (SEO) services to ensure potential customers easily find your site and PPC management services to drive targeted traffic. 

Also, you can use various tools and techniques:

  • Analytics Tools: Use tools like Google Analytics to track user behaviour and identify pages with high exit rates or frequent abandonment.

  • Heatmaps and Session Recordings: Tools like Hotjar provide visual insights into user interactions, helping you pinpoint where users drop off.

  • Conversion Funnels: Set up conversion funnels to track user steps before conversion and identify drop-off points.

  • A/B Testing: Test different website versions or landing pages to determine what resonates best with your audience.

  • User Surveys and Feedback: Collect user feedback through surveys or onsite tools to understand their experiences and any issues they face.

Identifying and Repairing Conversion Funnel Leaks to Enhance Website Conversion Rates

Source: linkedin

Identifying conversion leaks is an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring and optimization. Addressing these leaks can create a smoother user journey, leading to higher conversions and increased business success.

Identifying conversion leaks

Now that you’ve pinpointed where your website is losing potential customers, it’s time to fix those issues. Here are effective strategies to address conversion leaks:

  • Enhance Your Website’s Design and Navigation: Make your website easier to use by simplifying its layout and navigation. Ensure visitors can quickly find what they need. Also, speed up your site’s loading times by compressing images and minimizing unnecessary code.

  • Create Clear Calls to Action (CTAs): Design compelling CTAs that guide visitors to action, such as purchasing or signing up for a newsletter. Place CTAs prominently on your website to grab attention.

  • Minimize Distractions: Identify and eliminate elements on your site that could distract visitors from converting, like excessive ads or cluttered design. Keep the focus on your core message and conversion goal.

  • Offer Incentives: Encourage conversions by offering incentives like discounts or free trials. Communicate the benefits of taking action to visitors.

  • Test Different Versions of Your Website: Use A/B testing to experiment with elements such as headlines, images, and CTAs. Analyze the results to refine your website for better performance.

Implementing these strategies can help you improve your website’s effectiveness in converting visitors into customers. This underscores the importance of business data analytics in maximizing the benefits of data analytics for your business success.

Customer Acquisition and Retention in International Markets

To stand out in the global market, businesses can tap into big data to understand exactly what their customers want. By doing this, they can directly target their marketing efforts towards these needs, building a loyal customer base that they can rely on. Plus, they can analyze this data to spot clear trends. Using these patterns, they can further boost brand loyalty by gathering more data to find ways to keep customers happy. Amazon’s strategy vividly illustrates the benefits of data analytics. They use data to suggest products to shoppers based on what they’ve bought before, what others have bought, and how they browse the site. This kind of strategy can inspire business owners to use big data to their advantage.

Research conducted by Frederick Reichheld of Bain & Company reveals that boosting customer retention rates by 5% can lead to profit increases ranging from 25% to 95%.

boosting customer retention

Source: pulsetechnology

In global markets, understanding Customer Acquisition through data analytics is crucial for businesses looking to expand their international footprint. Using a data analytics dashboard, as depicted in the GIF, provides insights into which marketing channels are most effective worldwide and how different regions interact with those channels.

Customer Acquisition through data analytics

For global businesses, here’s how each acquisition channel can be interpreted:

  • Organic Search: This indicates a global audience finding the business through search engines. High performance in organic search suggests effective international SEO strategies that resonate across various languages and regions.

  • Display: Display ads shown on partner or affiliate sites worldwide can indicate brand presence and recognition on a global scale. Success in this channel points to visual advertising that appeals to a diverse audience.

  • Paid Search: Paid search campaigns, such as Google Ads, targeted at multiple countries or languages, show how well a business can capture attention in competitive search engine results pages worldwide.

  • Direct: Direct traffic is a strong signal of brand loyalty and awareness. Internationally, this suggests that the brand messaging is strong enough that global customers remember and seek out the business directly.

  • Referral: Referrals from international sites can indicate a healthy global partnership network and the business’s ability to engage with audiences through other platforms or online communities.

By analyzing these channels globally, a business can adjust its strategies per region. For example, if organic search is performing exceptionally well in Europe but not in Asia, a company might decide to invest more in SEO within Asian markets.

Engagement metrics such as session duration and event count are particularly important, as they may vary widely from region to region due to cultural differences in how users engage with content. A high conversion rate in a particular market signals successful acquisition and marketing strategies that resonate with that specific audience.

For businesses operating globally, data analytics helps identify which channels drive customer acquisition and provides insights into cultural preferences, behaviours, and potential barriers to entry in different markets. Ultimately, leveraging this data allows for informed decision-making that can lead to increased market share and revenue on a global scale.

Tailored and Targeted Campaigns for Global Audiences

Tailored Campaigns for Global Audiences

Do you aim to offer customized products to your specific market? Audience targeting data plays a pivotal role in the global marketplace, enabling businesses to finely tune their marketing strategies to connect with specific audiences worldwide. This rich dataset comprises demographic information, interests, behaviours, and other critical insights, empowering companies to craft marketing initiatives that resonate deeply with their target demographic. For instance, a global online fashion retailer can leverage this data to zero in on young adults with a penchant for fashion across different continents, thereby amplifying the impact of their advertising efforts. Grasping the nuances of audience targeting data is indispensable for businesses striving to elevate their marketing strategies on a global scale and establish meaningful rapport with their target audience across various cultures and regions.

The utility of audience targeting data extends beyond mere campaign customization; it gives businesses a treasure trove of insights into their global audience’s diverse preferences, behaviours, and characteristics. This invaluable intelligence allows companies to achieve several strategic advantages. Firstly, it facilitates crafting personalized and contextually relevant marketing campaigns, which is crucial for boosting engagement and conversion rates in diverse markets. Secondly, it aids businesses in optimizing their advertising expenditure by ensuring that marketing efforts are directed towards the most receptive audiences at the most opportune times, regardless of their geographical location.

Tailored Global Audiences

Moreover, audience targeting data supports enhanced content customization, guaranteeing that marketing messages align perfectly with the varied interests of a global audience. This alignment is critical in transcending cultural and linguistic barriers, making marketing communications more effective and resonant. Furthermore, audience targeting data enables businesses to uncover new customer segments in untapped markets, broadening their global footprint and opening up fresh avenues for expansion.

Creating effective global audience segments requires a deep dive into demographic data and psychographic analysis, allowing marketers to tailor their campaigns to cater to specific cultural nuances and preferences. For example, a global fashion retailer might segment its audience based on age, gender, style preferences, and regional fashion trends, personalizing marketing messages to suit diverse consumer bases worldwide.

Implementing strategies that resonate with different audience segments, such as creating culturally relevant advertisements and utilizing lookalike audiences and remarketing techniques, can significantly enhance a brand’s global reach and engagement. Personalizing content for specific global audience segments is a strategic use of audience targeting data, enabling marketers to deliver messages that are not only relevant but also culturally resonant. By understanding and catering to the unique preferences, interests, and behaviours of different segments, marketers can craft advertisements and content that truly speak to the hearts and minds of a global audience. 

For example, by personalizing email campaigns to showcase products that align with customers’ browsing and purchase history from various regions, a business can significantly enhance engagement, improve conversion rates, and foster stronger connections with its global audience.

A standout example of the power of audience-targeting data in the global market is Netflix. By analyzing user preferences, viewing habits, and demographics worldwide, Netflix personalizes content recommendations for a global audience. This targeted approach ensures that users from different countries are presented with movies and TV shows that reflect their cultural interests and viewing preferences, maximizing engagement and satisfaction across a diverse user base. This personalized strategy not only heightens user engagement but also guides Netflix in making informed decisions regarding content acquisition and production, optimizing the effectiveness of their streaming service on a global scale.

Netflix - audience-targeting data in the global market

The strategic use of audience targeting data is a game-changer for businesses aiming to make their mark in the global marketplace. It inspires business owners to think creatively and strategically about how to engage with diverse audiences across the globe, driving home the importance of personalization, cultural sensitivity, and strategic market segmentation in today’s interconnected world.
Moreover, leveraging social media marketing and management services becomes crucial to executing these strategies effectively, ensuring that content is not only tailored but also distributed efficiently across various platforms to maximize engagement and reach.

Identifying Potential Risks in International Operations

Risk intelligence analysts are crucial for businesses worldwide, helping them handle risks and make smart choices. Data analytics is key to improving how well these analysts can spot and manage risks. This piece discusses why risk intelligence must include data analytics, showing how it benefits companies everywhere.

Data analytics gives risk intelligence analysts the tools to pull important information from lots of data. This helps them better find, evaluate, and deal with risks. Data analytics allows these analysts to find hidden patterns and trends, leading to more accurate risk assessments.

How Data Analytics Helps in Risk Management

  • Better at Finding Risks: Data analytics helps analysts see risks more clearly by examining big data sets from different perspectives. Techniques like spotting anomalies and recognizing patterns help identify new risks, find oddities, and tackle threats early.

  • More Accurate Risk Evaluation: Data analytics helps analysts make detailed risk evaluation models. Using past data, statistical analysis, and forecasting, analysts can more accurately determine how likely risks are to happen and their potential impact, helping companies know where to focus their risk management efforts.

  • Early Warnings and Predictions: Data analytics enables analysts to see risks coming and give early warnings. With techniques like machine learning, analysts can spot trends and indicators of possible future problems, allowing companies to act early and prevent risks from growing.

  • Instant Monitoring and Spotting Risks: Data analytics lets analysts monitor and spot risks as they occur. Automated monitoring and real-time data let them find anomalies, follow emerging trends, and quickly react to potential risks, reducing their impact on the business.

  • Making Decisions Based on Data: Data analytics aids in making decisions based on solid evidence. Analysts can offer clear advice to decision-makers, helping them choose wisely about risk management, resource use, and improving operations.

Data Analytics Role in Enhancing Business Globally

  • Better Risk Management: Data analytics improves risk oversight by offering a full view across different parts of the business and locations. This helps international companies apply consistent risk management, align risk assessment methods, and meet regulatory standards.

  • Boosting Operational Efficiency: Data analytics in risk intelligence makes risk management smoother. By automating data gathering, analysis, and reporting, companies can save time, work more efficiently, and use resources more effectively.

  • Staying Ahead of Competitors: Companies that use data analytics for risk intelligence stand out from the crowd. Identifying and responding to risks protects their reputation, keeps customers’ trust, and finds new growth opportunities. Proactively adapting to market changes helps companies make forward-looking decisions and stay competitive.

Including data analytics in risk intelligence is essential for companies looking to improve their risk management. It helps analysts spot risks more clearly, evaluate risks more accurately, and offer early warnings. This helps companies make better decisions, work more efficiently, and give them a competitive edge. As the business world keeps changing, using data analytics in risk management is increasingly important for sustainable growth.

Development of Innovative Products for Global Markets

Data analytics is a powerful tool for businesses globally, enabling them to innovate, refine and improve their current offerings. It allows companies to understand their audience deeply, anticipate market needs, and introduce new products or services to meet those demands. More than just tracking customer feedback and product performance in real time, data analytics also provides insights into competitor actions, ensuring businesses remain competitive.

Moreover, big data plays a crucial role in enhancing existing products. Companies can pinpoint what appeals to their customers by analyzing collected data, moving beyond guesswork to informed decision-making. This involves tracking customer reactions, assessing how well products are received, and observing competitors to stay ahead.

The adaptability provided by data analytics is crucial in the global market, helping businesses innovate and adjust their offerings based on changing consumer preferences and market dynamics. This level of responsiveness can be the deciding factor in a company’s success, making it possible to tweak marketing strategies and optimize customer services effectively.

Take Spotify as an example. By analyzing user data, Spotify customizes playlists and identifies emerging music trends, refining its service and keeping ahead in the music streaming industry. This approach has personalized the user experience and ensured Spotify’s offerings remain fresh and competitive. Additionally, through data analytics, businesses can keep a pulse on social media trends, which are pivotal in understanding consumer behaviour and preferences, enabling them to act swiftly and strategically in their marketing efforts.

Development of Innovative Products for Global Markets

For business owners worldwide, leveraging big data is essential for launching new innovations and refining existing products. It’s about understanding and responding to the market in real-time, ensuring that your business keeps pace and sets the trends, leading to sustainable growth and a strong competitive edge. The benefits of data analytics are clear: they allow for a deeper understanding of the market, informed decision-making, and the ability to stay ahead in a competitive landscape.

Management of Complex Supplier Networks Across International Boundaries

Big data enables companies to provide supplier networks, also known as B2B communities, with deeper insights and accuracy. Suppliers can use smarter strategies, which are important for success. For instance, in supply chain networks, the benefits of data analytics is seen as a game-changer because it’s reshaping how suppliers work together, promoting more advanced collaboration. These partnerships allow networks to apply fresh ideas to new challenges or situations. This shows how big data can inspire global business owners to make their supplier networks more efficient and effective.

For example, IBM has revolutionized supply chain management in the baking industry by utilizing big data to predict demand for different bakery products based on weather forecasts. This application of big data ensures that bakeries can adjust their production according to consumer demand influenced by weather conditions. It also highlights the broader implications of big data across industries, demonstrating its potential to transform traditional supplier relationships into more dynamic, responsive, and collaborative networks.

Improve the Ability to Make Advantageous Decisions in Global Markets

Data analytics empowers companies to make quicker, smarter decisions, helping them avoid wasting money on ineffective strategies, inefficient operations, or misguided marketing efforts. By adopting a data-driven approach, leaders can spot opportunities faster and act on them confidently, relying on solid data rather than just gut feeling or industry experience. However, decision-makers must also recognize that data analysis can sometimes be flawed, leading to inaccurate conclusions.

Contemporary businesses continuously strive to enhance their strategic planning and decision-making mechanisms. In this context, data engineers and analysts play a pivotal role by converting unprocessed data into meaningful information, providing the intelligence necessary for making well-informed decisions at the executive level.

There are types of data analytics for decision-making:

  • Descriptive Analytics: This foundational analysis examines historical data to understand what has occurred, aiding in future planning. It involves creating dashboards and reports for a clear view of past performance and helping identify trends, patterns, and anomalies for strategic actions.

  • Diagnostic Analytics: Goes beyond the past to analyze why events happened, uncovering root causes through advanced statistical methods. This insight allows for corrective measures and informed decision-making, and it is especially useful in marketing to understand customer behaviour.

  • Predictive Analytics: Utilizes historical data to forecast future trends, employing machine learning and statistical modelling. This forward-looking approach helps businesses anticipate market demands, customer turnover, and fraud, facilitating efficient resource allocation.

  • Prescriptive Analytics: Advances analytics by recommending specific actions for desired outcomes. It uses optimization and simulation to suggest strategies like optimal pricing or supply chain improvements. This helps businesses in the global market make quicker, data-backed decisions for enhanced operational efficiency.

Let’s take the example of Zara. Zara utilizes all four types of analytics to maintain its position as a leader in the fast-fashion industry. Zara understands current trends by analyzing sales data, customer feedback, and returns (Descriptive). If a clothing line underperforms, they investigate why, considering factors like location and pricing (Diagnostic). Predictive analytics allow Zara to forecast future fashion trends, informing their design choices. Finally, prescriptive analytics guide them in deciding how many units of each product to produce and where to distribute stock, optimizing manufacturing and logistics.

Zara data analytics

In 2023, there were big advances in business intelligence (BI) and analytics. Self-service BI tools increased by 50%, showing that businesses are improving at using data independently. They’re also paying more attention to keeping data safe and ensuring it’s managed well. Plus, they’re using automation and artificial intelligence (AI) more to help with analyzing data.

But the world of data is always changing. To remain competitive and maximize the benefits of data analytics, businesses must stay informed about the latest technological developments and be prepared to adapt. 

In 2024, three big trends will shape how businesses use data: making data available to more people, using AI to get even better insights, and putting analytics directly into other software. These trends will make it easier for everyone to use data, learn more from it, and make smarter choices for their business.

Didn’t keep up with this year’s major trends? Get up to speed with the top three data and analytics trends in 2024.

Global Democratization of Data

Making data accessible to more people in the business, also known as the “democratization of data,” remains the top priority in 2024.

Self-service analytics, or self-service business intelligence (BI), is all about letting experts and non-technical users analyze and share data insights without needing advanced data skills. Traditionally, only specialists could handle data analysis because old BI tools were complex, leaving other business people without insights or relying on IT for help. But things are changing with the rise of self-service BI. This trend empowers regular business folks, often called the “augmented consumer.” Thanks to automation and AI technologies, Self-service BI platforms have easy-to-use interfaces and features like drag-and-drop. With tools like automated business monitoring and natural language query (NLQ), users can ask their own data questions, analyze data related to their roles, and make faster, more independent, data-driven decisions. This shift toward self-service BI inspires business owners to embrace data empowerment across their organizations.

Global Democratization of Data


According to Gartner’s forecast, by 2024, three-quarters of organizations will embrace self-service analytics as they increasingly understand the advantages of giving business users access to data insights. This follows a similarly notable adoption rate (35% to 50%) of self-service analytics in 2023. This growth was propelled by specialized self-service solutions tailored to specific industries and domains, leveraging automated processes enabled by augmented analytics.

Ai-Powered Insights for the Global Market

Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the game in various aspects of our work, and data analysis is no exception. Machine learning (ML) algorithms help us sift through massive amounts of data, automate repetitive tasks, and uncover hidden patterns humans might miss.

Ai-Powered Insights for the Global Market


Today, AI and ML are integral parts of many modern analytics solutions. They provide users with powerful tools like Yellowfin’s Assisted Insights, Guided NLQ, and Signals products. These tools simplify data processes and make analysis less complicated, benefiting both basic users and advanced analysts or developers. This transformation of data preparation, consumption, and sharing using such technologies is known as augmented analytics. This innovation inspires business owners worldwide, offering enhanced capabilities to use their data better.

Integrating AI into data analytics and offering augmented analytics tools brings several benefits:

  • Improved Accuracy and Efficiency: AI algorithms can process data faster and more accurately than humans, reducing the chances of errors and biases.

  • Predictive Capabilities: AI can analyze data to find patterns and predict future trends, helping organizations anticipate challenges and seize opportunities.

  • Revealing Hidden Insights: ML algorithms can uncover hidden patterns and relationships in data that might go unnoticed by humans, leading to deeper insights and better decision-making.

According to Gartner, by 2024, three-quarters of organizations will use AI-powered augmented analytics solutions, continuing the trend of increased adoption seen in 2023. As reported by Ventana Research, nine out of ten data processes are expected to be enhanced by AI and ML technology. This indicates a growing recognition of AI’s value in data analysis and inspires business owners to embrace these advancements for improved efficiency and decision-making.

Embedded Analytics in Global Workflows

Businesses are evolving beyond traditional BI dashboards and reports by integrating data analytics directly into their workflows and applications. This means users can analyze data without switching from their usual work environment. There are numerous benefits of data analytics in this context.

According to Forrester Research, the embedded analytics market is projected to reach $16 billion by 2024. Additionally, Ventana Research suggests that over two-thirds of line-of-business employees will have immediate access to a versatile analytics platform integrated into their daily workflow by 2024.

Embedded analytics offers several advantages. Firstly, it enhances decision-making by providing real-time insights when needed. Secondly, it boosts user engagement by making data accessible and relevant to their tasks. Lastly, it streamlines the data infrastructure by reducing the need for separate BI platforms. This trend inspires business owners globally to embrace embedded analytics for improved efficiency and decision-making.


The realm of big data and analytics, particularly within the global market, presents a complex yet intriguing landscape brimming with invaluable insights. This domain offers practical knowledge that empowers businesses and organizations worldwide to automate tasks, better understand their diverse target audience, and enhance their operations. Such improvements are crucial for boosting productivity and efficiency on a global scale, enabling companies to navigate the intricacies of international markets more effectively.