Online Marketing Trends For 2020





Online Marketing Trends for 2020

The rapidly shifting technological landscape has had a major impact on how brands market their products. As such, digital advertising is evolving to constantly meet changing consumer trends and demands. 

This also means that there is more competition amongst brands to win over online consumers and gain a lion’s share of market. 

It is predicted that 57% of CEOs and senior business executives plan to grow their marketing budget with 21% of their funds devoted to digital advertising. To be more specific, two-thirds of advertising spend is going towards online ads as opposed to offline. 

Here are some Online marketing trends for 2020 that are predicted to carry on:

V.R and A.R Are Expected To Continue to Grow

The use of virtual and augmented reality has taken the tech and marketing community by storm and the effects are predicted to spill over to the next year as well. AR is expected to lead the show despite VR’s early entrance into the digital market. 

It is anticipated that by 2020, there would be a total of 68.7 million AR users per month – or approximately, 20.8% of the total population. This makes both AR and VR a marketing tool and trend that businesses simply cannot afford to miss out on.


Personalized marketing has taken the center stage in the world of digital advertising, especially since consumers are increasingly turning away from intrusive tools like pop-up ads. 

Brands have more access to cloud hosted analytics today and when analyzed thoroughly, the data can become a lens through which you can understand your audience’s needs and wants. In fact, stats show that 70% of consumers get frustrated when social media contests or advertisements are not relevant to them. 

For instance, sending an email to consumers that address them by name or uses their purchasing history to target them is more successful now. 

Videos Will Steal the Show

Around 78% of consumers watch online videos every week and 72% prefer learning about a product or a service through videos. 

Videos in Your Online Marketing

This trend is expected to continue to grow well beyond 2020 as it has been predicted that almost 82% of all internet traffic will result from videos by 2022 – this is exactly why advertisers should switch from TVCs to digital videos for marketing purposes. 

Additionally, live videos on Facebook and other such platforms keeps the audience engaged three times longer than usual – this is another trend that will continue to grow next year.

Facebook Ads Will Gain Momentum

Facebook is a high demand platform for businesses and it is currently in the process of expanding three different and interactive advertisement formats that are bound to become important in 2020. 

For instance, the use of Poll ads will become more popular as businesses will gain insights firsthand into consumer behavior, preferences and interests.  

The Augmented Reality Ads on Facebook are also set to become quite the trend along with Playable App Ads that were previously limited to gaming apps only. 

Shoppable Posts

Businesses have been wondering how to get their social media fans to visit their online stores and make an actual purchase. But in recent years, the use of social commerce has made this process easier. 

Customers can buy their products directly by clicking on Shoppable posts created on social platforms like Instagram. And this is one of the main reasons why around 86% of women now search for products and make purchases based on social media. 

Similarly, people use Instagram’s Shoppable posts to make most of their purchases; about 130 million of Instagram’s users tap on Shoppable posts each month and purchase products directly.  

If you are using a Shopify store, you can link your accounts or install a plugin for Snapchat as well as Pinterest.

The use of voice search assistants like Siri or Alexa has become widespread; most Americans now have their own digital assistants such as Google Home and Amazon Echo. 

Research suggests that 58% of people have found local businesses via voice search in the last twelve months. Simply put, this makes voice search one of the most anticipated online marketing trends for 2020.

In Conclusion

A common theme we can observe in new and upcoming digital marketing trends for 2020 is an increased emphasis on forging personal relationships with your customers. After all, the core purpose of digital marketing remains the same; helping people connect and get what they desire via newer technologies and automation. 

For this, marketers should work to introduce personalization into all their strategies and campaigns – this can be done through social media, chatbots, etc. The important thing is to reach your customers where they are and utilize the same mediums in a manner that resounds with them – for instance, the use of shoppable posts.

Reach out to us for your success in digital marketing in 2020!